Are there plans to create a version of GpgOL that will support the new Outlook365, which is based on Microsoft Add-ins platform?
Hello @WickedGhost and welcome to this forum!
Yes there are plans to do so but it takes some time because the new Outlook is a web application now and things are working different now. The last information we got from the developers was that they are working on a Proof of Concept.
Nice, thank you for the answer
I wonder if you have any latest status update regards to this work?
We are doing a lot of progress on gpg plugin for the new Outlook and aside of a collection of small bugs, it works fine. A release is planned along with gpg4win based on Qt6 early next year.
You can follow the development here: Git - gpgol.js.git/summary
A post was merged into an existing topic: GpgOL and new Outlook
I will close this topic to clean things up as there is another topic that even contains screenshots showing the progress: GpgOL and new Outlook.