Unverified key [screenshot updated]

Someone messing around on kleopatra I managed to delete my main key. I didn’t realize I was doing it. And I am not familiar at all with the program much besides knowing how to create a key. Which I’ve only neeeed to do once. So I read that once I deleted this is permanently gone. But when I try to make a new certified pair that I can use to certify a new person I made a key for this screen comes up

I apologize for the screen I hope you guys can even see it. It’s just a picture of when I click to certify the new pgp key name a screeen comes up showing my old name in white with a red x to the left of it. And at the top it says verify the finger print, mark the users id you want to certify, and select the key you want to certify the ids with. Could someone help me as to if I can get my old pgp key back. The weird thing is now is I brought up the screen again with my newer name that shows my old pgp name in red. And I have highlighted two options at the bottom certifiy for everyone to see. And the other is publish on keyserver after. But when I click certify it gives
Me the OpenGL certificate export warning thing. Where it says when OpenGL certificates have been exported to a public directory they can’t be removed again. Before exporting your certificate to a public directory server make sure you created a revocation certification, which I have no idea if I did but it’s not letting me open my old account. So it says if you can revoke the certificate if it compromised or lost or you finger the pass phrase. Than asks are you sure you want to do this. I’m sorry for all the writing. I’m
Just wondering if I can get my old account back shown in the picture. If anyone has a second out of their day I would really appreciate it. Everyone seems really nice and I read alot by a guy named bill who was really smart. So please. Any advice. Is all lost once I delete my certificate even though it’s still showing up when I make a new key in key with the key phrase? Thank you to all who take the time. And have a great day. I didn’t get any sleep. Been up all night to 6:40 am trying to figure this out. Thank you.

Hi John, first rule is always: don’t panic :wink:
And get some sleep before doing operations on your key…

Obviously you did not delete your key (which is quite difficult to do by mistake if you pay any attention at all, as there is a fat warning).
You only disabled it, which is a new feature in 4.4.0 and can be done with one click, without warning, because it is easy to revert that action.

To activate your key again, go to the Filter dropdown above the certificate list on the right and choose “Disabled”. Your certificate will be listed in that list view, right-click on it and choose “Enable certificate”. It will disappear from the “Disabled” view. Switch to the filter “All” and there it is again.

Hey man. I messed up. But here’s the thing. The pgp key shown in the picture is the one I want back. But I messed around trying to make another key and then I didn’t know what I was doing. But I clicked certify on it. And than somehow I got to that picture. I read your info and I clicked at the top of the screen and I don’t even know what was selected on my screen but I thought it would open another window but it didn’t.

I’m so sorry. I get the original screen from the first post I texted when I try to certify a new pgp key.

But I don’t know what it deleted. My goal is to get back to this pgp key in red with an x by it. This keeps coming up when I try to certify the new pgp key I made. Which I don’t even know what certify means honestly. I’m sorry everyone. I really appreciate the help. I’ve got so much work going on on the computer that I had to pull an all nighter and a little longer. I’d really appreciate the help. So much. I really appreciate the quick answer period. I’d appreciate help from anyone please.

  • Go to the certificate list.
  • Find the filter dropdown and choose “Disabled certificates”
  • In the context menu of your disabled certificate, choose enable:
  • Switch back to the “All” filter to see all the keys in your keyring

Thank you so much for more answering me man. I would have never have seen that over theee in the corner. I’m going to try it in 10 15 minutes thank you so much.

Hey thank you so much. This did work perfect. But my other question is. To make it my main key again that I have everyone send me mail on how do I do that. I get confused by all the certifies. And certify this. Do I need to certify everyone. And how to I decertify my main pgp key now that he’s back on there? I’m so sorry for all the questions. Thank you for being so nice to me.

Hey man. Sorry. I got a weird error email saying it didn’t respond or something. But now after all that. Now that I re abled my original pgp key do I have to do anything else. I’m a little confused about certifying and things. And I’m also worried because I’m comparing my public key to one of the sites I use and they’re not matching when I view my current code and my public code from before. It’s incredibly confusing. But when I click on the id on the website even though it showing my regular pgp. It has the exact key details. It has the key details and the data it was made. Is there something I need to do on my end up update my pgp or would it just have stayed the same. I feel like I’m missing something. I’m really sorry for all this. In this picture the key that starts out at b7ae is the code listed on my old side. It shows my fingerprint. Than it shows tat change 2024-12-16. So I guess now I have to update it right? I’m really sorry guys. Here’s a picture of what it looks like I’m sorry I got lost from the site and got an error than just opened the email back up I’m sorry

Hey man. I have no idea how things got all over the place. I want to apologize again because I got a notification from an email to sign in than it errored me out. I got it back to normal. But my regular pgp is back green and certified. But my public key isn’t the same as it in other sites. I don’t understand. Do I have to redo that some how.

It’s still showing up as the b7ae when I look at. But my public pgp key is different for it on other sites. Again man. I’m really sorry. Its just been an a busy few days.

Hi @john12345,

first I had to edit some of your screenshots, please do not post full email addresses and names in there.

As we are trying to help you, we need as good descriptions as you can give us. :slight_smile:

Note that in your second screenshot you can see two fingerprint lines. Those are two subkeys. The first is your main key, ending with 47A4.
As you also have the private key parts for them on your computer, those are your key (parts), belonging to one key.

“Open PGP certificate” is a name for a public key (and its subkeys).

You can have several keys.

Now that I re abled my original pgp key do I have to do anything else.

That depends.
Where did your send (or publish) your original 47A4 pubkey to?

And where did you send your new (or second) key to?

I really don’t know what I did. I made another pgp key account and sent it over to the old one and it got the message. So I’m guessing it’s fine. But it it stops working should I just delete it and make a whole new set and that certify it. I’m still not to familiar how I make one set a dominant set. Sorry for being so confusing.

I actually got a message on the same site I use for messages and it’s working fine. I want to thank all of you for being so quick and patient with me. Sorry for making everyone insane. Thank you guys.