while looking at ‘Gpg4win Download page’ contents I noticed that anticipated Gpg4win 4.3.1 ‘README file’ (README-4.3.1.en.txt) in same page is currently unavailable from Gpg4win Files area (so no way to really download it due to resulting error :
"Not Found
The requested URL was not found on this server.
Apache/2.4.59 (Debian) Server at files . gpg4win . org Port 443")
(Please note that last preceding ‘files…’ text has no space separators among ‘.’, I had to insert them otherwise Discourse would have interpreted that string as an additional URI/URL and so far only 2 of them are allowed inside a post).
So is anybody already aware of any plan to get it back there ASAP ?
P.S. I hope I’m reporting all this in the right way, but if I was wrong I just hope somebody will be so kind to confirm me which way I should have followed instead.
P.P.S I’m unsure why system marked this post as spam.
Thanks in advance for your attention and any further related reply.
I’m unsure how really fully related to your (cklassen) question, but after reading ‘Maintaining the Gpg4win website’ page my very quick understanding (as a true git inexpert that I am) was that any such web update process had to be indeed manual, but I’m obviously also unsure if all that is also applicable to ‘https://files.gpg4win.org/’ side too.
P.S. Sorry to also add this only now, but I also just double checked that even ‘README-4.3.0.en.txt’ (whose URL should have been https : //files . gpg4win . org / README-4.3.0.en.txt without " : ", " . ", " / " with embedded spaces I had to add to overcome adding only 2 URLs/URIs in each forum post current limit) is currently missing too.
P.P.S I’m unsure why system marked this post as spam.
“Automatic” was the wrong term. When it comes to the website you have to use the command make online to publish the changes. Calling the command has to be done manually of course but the command itself does different things in the background automatically. That’s why I used the term I hoped that there is another make command to create the README file.
Hi @(cklassen, eebb, aheinecke), (I know mentions used this way won’t work, but as of now they can be added for 2 people only)
from what I’ve just seen (I used gpg4win-4.2.0.exe contents as test) both (en&de) README files are also enclosed into same .exe downloadable so I guess that a possibly valid ‘manual’ alternative to get them might even be :
to open each involved executable (so gpg4win-4.3.0.exe and gpg4win-4.3.1.exe) with 7-zip,
then browse contents up to .\share\gpg4win,
then manually extract README.en.txt and README.de.txt,
then rename them respectively as README-4.3.0.en.txt and README-4.3.0.de.txt (those from …-4.3.0.exe) and README-4.3.1.en.txt and README-4.3.1.de.txt (those from …-4.3.1.exe),
then copy all of them into the path that after one or more appropriate make ... steps (that as git inexpert I’m also unsure about) would then become content of ‘https : // files . gpg4win . org /’.
P.S. I hope this might be of some help, obviously unless a much better and more specific process/steps already exist.
JFYI I also just noticed that also gpg4win-4.3.0.exe.sha256 and gpg4win-4.3.1.exe.sha256 files are currently missing from same path https://files.gpg4win.org/ as well.
Since for my own installation purposes I was creating a personal archive of all such files as well (also including all missing ones I reported previously), I manually re-created them too (I mean both .sha256 ones, using SHA256 calculations made by latest 7-Zip v24.08 released on 11/08/24 I just installed after I checked its changelog showed no solved issues related to same SHA256 calculations, so I assumed they’re still as reliable as always), so in case of need I can share them (again .sha256 ones) with whom in future might update again same ‘files . gpg4win . org’ area too.
P.S. About README-4.3.0.en.txt and README-4.3.0.de.txt (previously assumed to be inside …-4.3.0.exe) and README-4.3.1.en.txt and README-4.3.1.de.txt (also previously assumed to be inside …-4.3.1.exe) I just verified that they’re indeed missing from .\share\gpg4win subfolder path within respective …exe compressed files.
So this also means that all steps I previously listed as a possibly valid ‘manual’ alternative to get same files were indeed invalid, and this also probably also explains why so far all README… files from v4.3.0 and v4.3.1 have been missing from ‘files . gpg4win . org’ area too (so IMHO it might even be that due to lack of time and/or resources they weren’t originally created at all).