Hi there !
I am a Gpg4win User from Mainland China, who have a professional qualification on EN-CN translation(a.k.a. Certified Translator).
I notice that the Gpg4win website has no Chinese version, so I am genuinely asking if I can help with the translation. Can I help to translate the website into Chinese Simplified?
Okay, I have got some knowledge about m4 macros and the structure of the website.
I have already did some changes to the macros. I think I will need to inform everyone, because there is a conspicuous change in template_header.m4 and template.m4.
So, first, I adjusted the logic of macro.
Originally, the language is judged via LANG_DE,which is a bool variable.
I changed the logic to: ifdef(CHS) and so, it worked without problem but requires every page include a CHS_FILE or CHS variable defined at top, otherwise the header and footer will be messed up.
PS: I fixed a css problem on the home page, as well as all the typos and errors I found during my translation process. But only in the English version, since I am certified in English - Chinese translation but not German.
PS#2: I am asking a proper China flag icon, for now I just used a random icon I found on my computer. It didn’t match the style of other two icons, but visually ok-ish.
@SheepChef you wrote me an email but because you already added some posts here I will also answer here:
Although it’s great that you are offering your help with a new translation there is one issue a colleague of mine reminded me of. The website has to be updated when there are new releases and when we change a text this has to be repeated in all languages. The problem is that we who maintain the website don’t speak Chinese so we cannot translate the texts and thus, we cannot promise/ensure that the Chinese page is always up-to-date.
I’m sorry but that is why we have to reject your offer.
Why not keep the news in English then, until the Chinese translation gets added? Isn’t a Chinese version with delayed Chinese translation news still better than no Chinese information at all? There’s much more useful information on the website than the release information.
We should think about a way how to integrate more translations!
@SheepChef a very big thank you for offer and for your first contributions. We need to find a good way to bring this information to the website and this may take a bit (days or weeks).