Looking for Advice on the Best Practices for GnuPG Key Management

Hello Everyone :hugs:,

I’m contacting the community to get advice on the best ways to efficiently manage GnuPG keys. I want to make sure that as I delve farther into the realm of encryption and secure communication, I’m not just using GnuPG appropriately but also adhering to best practices for key management.

I have the following specific questions:

Important Generating What options are suggested when creating a new GnuPG key? For various use scenarios, are there any particular parameters (key size, algorithm, expiration time) that you would recommend? :thinking:

Key Storage: What methods do you suggest using to safely keep private keys? I’ve heard about the use of smart cards and hardware security modules (HSMs), but I’m curious what the community thinks of these approaches in comparison to local key storage.

Key Revocation: How should one go about handling this situation? I know that having a revocation certificate is essential, but are there any other actions or safety measures I should know about to make sure my revoked keys are handled correctly? :thinking:

Routine Upkeep: How frequently should I check and adjust my keys? When should I update my keys, and are there any particular indicators or best practices that point this out? :thinking:


I’d be grateful for any information or sources you could provide. I appreciate your aid in advance and eagerly await your response!

Thanks in advance for your time.

Please take a look at Seeking Guidance For The Best Practices for Managing Multiple GPG Keys.