Kleopatra "Sign As" has no comment for the key

Hi everyone and happy new year.

I wanna add request bug fix in Kleopatra interface.
Window Sing and Encrypt → Dropdown menus for “Sing as” and “Encrypt for”
So “Encrypt for” shows keys in with full information like “User (comment) (certied, OpenPGP, Created:…)”
But “Sing as” shows short keys info, very simmilar, but without “(comment)”. It is very confusing if you have 2 keys with same name (without email) but different comments.

Please make “Sing as” look the same way as “Encrypt for”.
Thank you.

Just in case:
Kleopatra Version 3.3.0 (Gpg4win-4.4.0)

Hi @MaxC,

thanks for the request!

@eebb to me this looks like a valid point to show the comment in both drop downs. Is there a reason why the comment is currently only shown in the drop down for recipients to encrypt to?

Hi Max,

I can not replicate this, (tried it with WIN 10 and Gpg4win 4.4.0, too).
For me the comment is identical for sign and encrypt:

Maybe I did not understand the issue correctly?
Please add a screenshot to illustrate your issue.

Ok. The “Ecnrypt for me” has short info too. Only “Encrypt for others” has a long info.

There is Certificate “Conny Comment” on your screenshot.
UID name: “Conny Comment”
UID comment: “This is my key”
UID Email: “foo@bar.org

So. you cant see UID Coment in list, only in popup window.
Try add this uid in to “Encrypt to others” and you will see your comment “This is my key”

I see, thank you for the clarification. I’ll make a ticket.

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