hello there, i was wondering if you can help
i’m running the latest version of gpg4win
i setup 3 keys to use with 3 different providers and transfer files via FTP
2 certificate are certified within kleopatra using the third one - main
i’m using a bat file to encrypt the file before the SFTP transmission using the 3rd certificate (certified with the main one with its own passphrase)
i’m using this command line in the bat file
gpg.exe --pinentry-mode=loopback --batch --sign --passphrase
the bat file doesn’t work returning
gpg: signing failed: Bad passphrase
gpg: signing failed: Bad passphrase
(as it is, twice)
the only way i can consistently get it to work is if i reinstall gpg4win (on top) and recertify the keys: the process works a few times before breaking again
any idea what’s going on and how i can get around it?
i think gpg is getting confused on which key to use and tries to use the default one
is there a way for me to explicitly tell it what key to use in the command line?
encryption works fine if i use the gui and the correct passphrase
any help is appreciated at this point
thank you