Failed to search on certificate server. The error returned was: Not Found


We host our own key server on premise (runs with Hagrid).
We use Kleopatra to get manually pgp keys from our users.
Encryption/signature are done automatically from Outlook with GpgOL plugin.
All settings are default values (this is really easy)
Kleopatra version is - Gpg4win-4.3.1
Everything is working good since years. Thank you very much!

A user recently reported an error message.

From Kleopatra, click on “Lookup on Server”
Hit “Search”
Message: “Failed to search on certificate server. The error returned was: Not Found”
Certificate is displayed in the list.

I looked into our key server and i see the queries made to our server with result code 200 (success).
I set Kleopatra in debug mode and looked into the log file:

2024-07-25 11:42:57 gpg[18204] DBG: chan_0x00000280 ← OK Dirmngr 2.4.5 at your service
2024-07-25 11:42:57 gpg[18204] DBG: connection to the dirmngr established
2024-07-25 11:42:57 gpg[18204] DBG: chan_0x00000280 → GETINFO version
2024-07-25 11:42:57 gpg[18204] DBG: chan_0x00000280 ← D 2.4.5
2024-07-25 11:42:57 gpg[18204] DBG: chan_0x00000280 ← OK
2024-07-25 11:42:57 gpg[18204] DBG: chan_0x00000280 → KS_SEARCH –
2024-07-25 11:42:57 gpg[25896] enabled debug flags: packet mpi crypto filter iobuf memory cache memstat trust ipc clock lookup extprog
2024-07-25 11:42:57 gpg[25896] enabled compatibility flags:
2024-07-25 11:42:57 gpg[25896] DBG: [no clock] start

2024-07-25 11:32:08 gpg[19768] secmem usage: 0/32768 bytes in 0 blocks
2024-07-25 11:32:08 gpg[20332] DBG: chan_0x00000270 ← S SOURCE
2024-07-25 11:32:08 gpg[20332] DBG: chan_0x00000270 ← ERR 167772218 No data
2024-07-25 11:32:08 gpg[20332] data source:
2024-07-25 11:32:08 gpg[20332] key “” not found on keyserver
2024-07-25 11:32:08 gpg[20332] keyserver search failed: Not found

We can see that the query is done on our on prem keyserver and return a result, but then official keyserver is queried and return no result (= error message).

Can we avoid this error/info message please ?

Best regards,

Hi @JeanVD,

it is good to hear that things have been working nicely for you for years!

We can see that the query is done on our on prem keyserver and return a result, but then official keyserver is queried and return no result (= error message).

Can you write which server has the problem: Is it the external server or your server where the problem occurs? Or are both queried?

As a step for diagnosis, you could try a keyserver search on the command line like:

gpg --keyserver --search

And previously you could turn on verbose output and logging for dirmngr. For this use the dirmngr.conf file and restart dirmngr.

Best Regards,

Hello Bernhard,

Can you write which server has the problem: Is it the external server or your server where the problem occurs? Or are both queried?

Our GPG keys are only available on our internal server.
On each Lookup, both servers are queried by Kleopatra:

  • Our internal server provides the GPG key.
  • The official key server does not (our keys are not there).

Kleopatra displays an error because no GPG key is returned by official pgpkey server. Kleopatra displays our internal pgpkey in the list.
It is not a server problem.

Sorry if it was not well explained in my initial message.



So it is a superfluous warning, because everything is working as it should (the result from the internal server is shown and the one from the external server is not).

Improvements for this situation are on the way, because Kleopatra does several searches (via the backend) now. I guess the following change would already solve the issue and is likely to be released with the next Gpg4win: ⚓ T6493 Kleopatra: Add feedback in search window

yes, it is something annoying for users, but it is 100% working.

Your pgp key is available from and from, so the message is not displayed when querying your email address.

Thank you very much for your support and development.

yes, it is something annoying for users, but it is 100% working.

Sorry for this shortcoming and thanks for reporting the issue!

Your key is available from [both]

Yes, I know, and just wanted to outline the next steps for analysing a problem with one of the queries itself.

Best Regards,