We are using the latest software (GPG4.4.0).
Outlook freezes frequently after updating, have any other users reported similar issues?
This occurs frequently when replying to or forwarding emails.
Windows 10
Outlook365 ver2410
Hello Kei,
I am not aware of any issues caused by the current update and there were only small changes in GpgOL.
Did you update from the version 4.3.1 or an older one? If so, which one?
Thank you for your answer.
I Updated from version 4.3.1.
Currently, the issue has been resolved by reverting to 4.3.1.
Given that there have been no other reports of this, is it likely that this is an environmental factor?
It is likely that is a contributing factor.
Very often GpgOL issue arise because other COM-AddIns are in the mix. So it could be that something changed which only causes issues if you have certain AddIns.
Which other Outlook Add-Ins are installed in your case?
It would be helpful also if you could better define the conditions under which this occurred.
Did it freeze consistently for certain mails?
Were the mails you wanted to forward/reply to encrypted and signed or only one of those? Was your reply/forwarding signed&encrypted or only one of those?
Any other patterns?