I’m quite tech savvy to start. I installed the latest version of Kleopatra and created a new RSA 4,096 key with pass phrase.
Another system used my public key to send me a message, put that message in a file and decrypted the file successfully, ok we’re off.
So to test this I decided I should encrypt and decrypt a message to myself to make sure everything is working. I encrypt the clipboard and select myself as the recipient, I paste that into a file to verify it looks good, BEGIN PGP ENCRYPTED MESSAGE, ok so far so good.
I go back to Kleopatra and in the Clipboard menu decrypt is grey. I try to decrypt the file, no it tells me it cannot determine what it is?
Now, if I use my public key to encrypt using a website (https://8gwifi.org/pgpencdec.jsp), I can decrypt that output from a file or from the clipboard in Kleopatra! I tried the same website, encrypt and decrypt using my public and private keys and that works fine. I encrypt with Kleopatra and try to decrypt using the site… nope it will not decrypt the text encrypted with Kleopatra. It also works fine in GnuPGK which I found online, except if I encrypt with Kleopatra that won’t decrypt it either.
The text from Kleopatra encrypt looks like this:
It does not include version info. I tried an older version of Kleopatra, 3.1.16, same thing. I am selecting RSA and RSA+ when I create my key but I don’t think the key is the issue as it works fine on the website.
EDIT: If I use the Notepad feature in Kleopatra it encrypts and decrypts fine. If I encrypt with the clipboard Encrypt feature it does not decrypt in Notepad or from Clipboard, if I encrypt with Notepad it will decrypt from clipboard. Encrypt in Kleopatra on Windows 11 is broken.