Cant move received email into another folder

we are trying new full version (release 3.0.0) on Win10pro x64, Outlook 2016 x86.
When I receive new encrypted email and decrypt it, after is not possible to move this email into another folder (from folder Inbox).

We havent this issue with beta version.

Thank you


Hi John,
thanks for trying Gpg4win and giving us feedback.

How does Outlook behave if you try to move the decrypted email?

Do you know which beta version worked fine for you?

Best Regards,

I am not sure but I think Beta 299 was ok.
The problem looks like If I catch the email with mouse and move over the folder I want to move it, after drop nothing happend.
Same if I just right click on email, choose Move to, click on folder… nothing happend.
I can deleted it. Than the email is in Bin folder. And again is not possible to move the email from Bin back to Inbox folder.

Thank you

And one more thing… I just noticed that If I send email and I want to check it in “Send” it requires a secret key to read it, even the mail was wrote and sent by me. Is that ok?

Sure! All Mails send by you are also encrypted with your key, so you can read them afterwards. To decrypt them your key is needed.

Hi John,

How is your EMail Account konfigured? Is it an Exchange, IMAP or POP3 Account?

Best wishes,

it is exchage type.



It seems like, that someone else encountered that Problem as well[1]. We will investigate in this bug further on the bug tracker.

Best wishes,

[1] -

Same here: I can confirm the bug.
Workaround: I can move an email, if i unselect it before and then use its context menu to move it.
This behaviour is already mentioned in the readme:
c:\Program Files (x86)\Gpg4win\share\gpg4win\README.en.txt

Same here: I can confirm the previous post. This bug was active in Outlook 2013. I upgraded to Outlook 2016 and was hoping it works now but unfortunately not.

Good news is that this will be fixed in the next version.


I’ll try to remember to post a message in this thread once a binary with the fix is available.