64-bit version of Gpg4win

I would like to explain why I need a 64-bit version of Gpg4win for my project.

Here are some reasons:

  • Qt6.6.1, the latest version of the popular cross-platform framework, has dropped support for 32-bit and only supports 64-bit and ARM architectures4.

  • linking you libraries works only with cmake -G "Visual Studio 17 2022".

  • I’m unable to wrap your project inside x64 library of mine because setting cmake to SHARE will not link the gnupg x86.

I link your project with

    # Create an IMPORTED target for the libgpgmepp6-6 DLL
    add_library(libgpgmepp6-6 SHARED IMPORTED)
    # Set the location of the DLL file
    set_target_properties(libgpgmepp6-6 PROPERTIES
    IMPORTED_LOCATION "C:/Program Files (x86)/Gpg4win/bin_64/libgpgmepp6-6.dll"
    # Set the location of the .imp file
    set_target_properties(libgpgmepp6-6 PROPERTIES
    IMPORTED_IMPLIB "C:/Program Files (x86)/Gpg4win/lib/libgpgme.imp"
    # Set the include directories for the IMPORTED target
    set_target_properties(libgpgmepp6-6 PROPERTIES
    INTERFACE_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES "C:/Program Files (x86)/Gpg4win/include"